Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is there really absolute truth?

I think that no one is ever going to find absolute truth and honestly, I do not think that “absolute truth” is even real. For many generations truth has only been based on what u hear and see form your surroundings. That is all truth is ever going to be based on (which is what you hear). I do not think the basic principles of truth have changed since the modernism and post modernism era. I mean yes, there were different ideas but when it comes to finding truth, many errors have been established. Some of the things the ideas that people make and the technology that was invented have all been useful but when I think of absolute truth, I think of perfection. Therefore, what I am trying to say is that there are always going errors in truth because people have so many different interpretations/opinions on the things that are not factual. No one can really be sure if they are right or not because they do not know what the truth, but that does not stop them from still believing they are right. Therefore, I do believe that it is relative. For example, in the story “A Clean Well Lighted Place” –by Ernest Hemingway the young waiter knew everything about the old man but in reality, I do not think he did. I think he based all his information off what he heard around the neighborhood and not once did he ask the old man about anything he heard. That is a prime example of how people gain information/knowledge off what they hear. The reason why I believe that absolute truth doe not exist is because the world is constantly changing, evolving, and new technology is always being invented. Ideas are also constantly being spread around the world and it does not matter if they are right or not because as long as they can back up what they said then people will believe them (which is why there are so many errors in the world today. Many philosophers in many eras believe that they is no such thing as absolute truth and here is a quote that basically explains what I have been saying “And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.” - Plato


  1. I don't agree with you because absolute truth is not just what we hear people actual prove these things. So maybe we hear it but it's based on facts, somethings though not all of them. But I do agree with you about the truths that aren't factual because people hear a good explanation of something and believes its right. Very good post.

  2. VERY GOOD! Nice use of Plato. You should look into Aristotle's view. They tend to butt head on everything. Plato was Aristotle's teacher. This is why I'm fine with students disagreeing with me. Great post. Keep it up.

  3. You have some interesting thoughts up there and I think I understand what you are trying to say about an absolute truth not being real. But something does not necessarily have to be perfect to be absolute. To illustrate, think about the following... we know that one plus one equals two, and that is an absolute truth in itself. Now, it could be wrong, but our society revolves around such truth since its being false would be disastrous. Laws of physics and science would be irrelevant and businesses would not exist. Therefore we all agree to make the statement an absolute truth, and it can be found and understood.

  4. I think you touched on a good point that proves our Post-Modern Mindset. The belief that no one is perfect. There is no such thing as absolutely "good" or absolutely "evil" anymore, but just relativity. Good job
