Monday, August 30, 2010

Reflection on the 1st unit

The topics that we discussed in our class were very important because they all related to each other in some way (which is why I think that everything was taught in chronological order. Post Modernism and Modernism were about either obtaining absolute truth (Modernism) or about everything being relative and absolute truth not existing (Post Modernism). Truth changed after the U.S. bombed the Japan (using an atomic bomb), this bombing soon led to the Age of Paranoia (which was when people realized that they never truly knew what truth was). I gained a lot from this unit and my view on absolute truth has kind of changed. At first, I believed that there was no such thing as absolute truth but now I realize that absolute truth only exists in some things but I still think that absolute truth is something that is not meant to be found. To me, I think that only helps the human race because so many people are so determine to find absolute truth that so many new things are being invented (which would not have happened so soon if absolute truth was said not to exist). The reason I say that finding absolute truth is very hard because there are so many different interpretations and opinions on many things that no one really knows the right answer to.

There are many things that I have learned: like I never knew that the Age of Paranoia was started because of the bombing in 1945 and that it was so intense. I really liked the discussions we had about “is absolute truth obtainable” based on Post-Modernism and Modernism. Deindividuation and the Social Identity Theory were really interesting theories/beliefs to learn about because both of these theories are still going on today (RIGHT AT THIS MINUTE!!!). When people are welcomed into a social group everything about them changes (the way they act, the clothes they wear, and the people they surround themselves with) and they would do things that they normally would not do (whether good or bad). Even though I knew that once a person is accepted into a social group there whole mentality changes, I did not know the process in which their individuality is “stripped” from them. This unit makes you wonder: WHAT HAS THE WORLD BECOME AND WHY!!!!!

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